Populations We Serve
2nd Opp serves five distinct populations by bringing support and solutions to agencies needing assistance.
Click on an image to see how we can help your agency:
Case Study
Kane County IL Jail 2019-2021 Outcomes
Reduced opioid overdose outcomes by 89%
Zero releases in 2021 experienced opioid overdose deaths
Reduced jail recidivism from 49% to 18%
Average jail population reduced from 550 to 325
Saved taxpayers $4.9 million over 3-year study
80% reduction of violence between inmates and officers and among inmates
Webinars and Events
We host monthly educational webinars for facility administrators, case managers, probation officers, counselors, and anyone who is involved in helping the justice-impacted population.
Featured Webinar
The Jigsaw Puzzle Called Re-entry
June 12, 2024 11:00-11:30am ET
Drawing on his firsthand experience within the criminal justice system, Augie Ghilarducci will shed light on the alarmingly high recidivism rates in the United States. We will identify impactful solutions aimed at reducing reincarceration and discuss how the 2nd Opportunity program can be a game-changer in your facility. Don't miss this opportunity to join us live in this short but insightful online event.
NOTE: If you are unable to attend, please register anyway and we will send you a recording of the session, which you can watch at your convenience.
2nd Opp creates customized workshops for facilities and organizations to best meet their needs of their populations. One of our past customized workshops includes:​
A Path to Entrepreneurship
This workshop was designed for currently and formerly incarcerated individuals interested in opening a business when they are in a position to do so in the future. It is based on lived experience and the struggles of opening a business upon release. The focus is on preparation through knowledge, education, and a well-defined business model. The course provides a realistic assessment of the many things that need to be in place to be successful as an entrepreneur.
Topic Highlights
The Business Model
Business Plan Format and Construction
Preparing to Implement Your Business Plan While Incarcerated
Preparing to Implement Your Business Plan Post-Release
Workshop Features
Immersive and hands-on
Bring your business idea to life
Earn a certificate of achievement upon completion
Please contact us to discuss your workshop needs for your population. We are happy to create a 100% customized program for you.